19th Century Innovations in Housekeeping
Background Information:
In The History of Household Technology, a Library of Congress resource, "Constance Carter, Head of the Science Reference Section at the Library of Congress, describes the evolution in the technology of washing machines, irons, and stoves and its effect on the work of women in the home." This webpage includes a link to a wonderful, though somewhat dated, webcast about household innovations.
The book More Work for Mother: The Ironies of Household Technologies from the Hearth to the Microwave, by Ruth Schwartz Cowan offers a careful look at the unintended consequences of some of these 19th century household innovations.
Links to Individual Household Innovations:
Questions to consider:
For each innovation, consider who is the target customer of the product, who is most likely to use the product, and for whom time and effort might be saved. What might be an outcome of the introduction of this innovation?
In The History of Household Technology, a Library of Congress resource, "Constance Carter, Head of the Science Reference Section at the Library of Congress, describes the evolution in the technology of washing machines, irons, and stoves and its effect on the work of women in the home." This webpage includes a link to a wonderful, though somewhat dated, webcast about household innovations.
The book More Work for Mother: The Ironies of Household Technologies from the Hearth to the Microwave, by Ruth Schwartz Cowan offers a careful look at the unintended consequences of some of these 19th century household innovations.
Links to Individual Household Innovations:
- Home Washing Machine & Wringer http://www.loc.gov/pictures/resource/pga.03845/
- New Home Sewing Machine http://www.flickr.com/photos/mohistory/4359059889/
- Wrought Iron Range Company http://www.flickr.com/photos/mohistory/4359799650/
- Adams' Patent Coal Sifter http://www.loc.gov/pictures/resource/cph.3a24727/
- American Soap Company http://www.loc.gov/pictures/resource/pga.00031/
Questions to consider:
For each innovation, consider who is the target customer of the product, who is most likely to use the product, and for whom time and effort might be saved. What might be an outcome of the introduction of this innovation?